{{view.init!=2?"Free Instant Help":(nms==0 ? "Chatting with "+ (visitor.agent_name|removename:campaign_condition) : nms+ " New Message")}}

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{{view.newinithour | timeformate}}:{{view.newinitmin | timeformate}}:{{view.newinitsec | timeformate}}




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{{x.name | firstchar:campaign_condition}}


{{'MyassignmentHelp'| firstchar}}

{{'Admin'| firstchar}}


{{ config.prechat ? (config.prechat.welcome_msg ? config.prechat.welcome_msg : 'Hello, how may I Help you today ?') : '....' }}

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{{view.enchatby && view.enchatby==='agent' ? lang.execute("agent_has") : lang.execute("you_have")}} {{lang.execute("left_chat_at")}} ({{formatlefttime(view.current_time)}})

The chat has ended at ({{view.current_time}}) due to no response from your end

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{{view.enchatby && view.enchatby==='agent' ? lang.execute("agent_has") : lang.execute("you_have")}} {{lang.execute("left_chat_at")}} ({{view.current_time}})

The chat has ended at ({{view.current_time}}) due to no response from your end

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